Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Did we really?  Yes we did!!!!

One day in August we were presented with a plate of worms and told that eating one was expected of all missionaries in the ERC.  These worms are actually a source of protein, I don't know how many you would have to eat, though, to call them protein????  Elder DaBell ate a whole one and swallowed it.  I took a fourth of one and chewed it up.  I just couldn't get it all to go down.  Then we found out that no missionaries ever eat them!!! 
Our new friends here in South Africa are very proud of us.


September 25, 2012  Sister DaBell and I accompanied Sister Vivien Roberts, ERC Manager, to the Pretoria Stake Bishops’ Council meeting where the topic was Employment Resources.  Emphasis was made regarding the benefit of registering on as a leader.  Also, discussion was had regarding the importance of using Ward Councils to discuss individual Welfare needs and develop a plan to help individuals and families work towards self reliance and council together to provide resources for individuals to solve long term employment needs. is a very useful tool for job candidates, priesthood and relief society leaders and employers.  We received positive feedback from the Pretoria Stake Leaders.  Sister Vivien Roberts also discussed the Skills College opportunities that have become available to qualified members in four Pretoria Stake wards.


 I remember Grandpa Patterson using siphoning pipes to water the garden.  Each bent pipe was filled with water from the ditch and then quickly placed to the garden row.  The water miraculously went from the ditch down the dry garden rows.  The pipes were left in place receiving a full amount of water until the water reached the other end of the garden row.  We have started our siphoning pipes here in South Africa.  Hopefully the water is travelling to the end of the rows where each member will benefit from the employment resources put in place by our church leaders.


September 27, 2012   Employment Resource Services hosted “an evening with stake leaders” in the ERC where approximately 25 stake leaders and ERS staff had a light dinner and discussed all of the ways ERS can support Stake and Ward leaders in  teaching Self Reliance:  Training Ward Councils, Workshops, Firesides, Career Fairs,   Discussion was lively and the feedback positive.  We emphasized the ecclesiastical line of authority and the willingness of ERS to help.

Cordencio Gonzales

Cordencio Gonzales is from Angola.  His wife, Carlota Arthur Manuel Santiago was from Mozambique.  He attends the temple every three months, the cost is the equivalent of 600.00 in dollars.

This is his story:
Cordencio learned of his future wife by an email from a mutual friend.  He communicated by phone and email only.  They did not see each other or exchange pictures.  He went to Mozambique to meet her.  He was to arrive on Thursday.  He missed the bus.  He arrived on Friday. 

There was a long line of young ladies.  He was impressed that Carlota was on the right.  He started on the left and met the young ladies.  When he got to the right side, he came to her and immediately knew.  They were married the next day on Saturday. 

Two months later they went to Angola to visit his family.  Two weeks later she contracted malaria.  She passed away one week after that.  Before she died, she said please bury me in Mozambique.  He said I can’t, it is too expensive.  Five days after she died, she was buried in Mozambique. 

Three months after her death, she was sealed to her parents.  26 Sep 2012 he came to Joburg to be sealed to her in the Johannesburg Temple.  They were sealed Thursday, September 27, 2012. Now they have the opportunity to be together throughout eternity.  (For those of you who are new to this, a living person stands in as proxy for the person who has passed away)
Every morning he told her, "you are the best woman in the world."
She would tell him in return, "you are the best man in the world."


The pillars read, Equality, Respect, Responsibility, Diversity, Democracy
We visited this museum on Saturday, September 29, 2012.   This was a sobering experience.  There have been many inequities and unfair practices in the history of the world, but certainly APARTHEID illustrates a particular demeaning treatment of a race of people, an example of the denial of agency of millions of God’s children. 
The white minority were able to rule the black majority for many years.  It took the courage and leadership of black and white individuals to overcome this practice.  There is still some problems, but all citizens now have one vote each and South Africa has an impressive new Constitution that was drafted in the early 1990’s.  
We have great appreciation for Nelson Mandela, a black patriot, first President of the new South African government, who still lives in Johannesburg in his mid 90’s.   Here is a quote that describes his greatness:  “For to be free is not merely; to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.   (Consider watching movies:  Mandela and DeKlerk and Invictus).

Witbank Branch

September 30, 2012   We visited the Witbank Branch and we spoke on Welfare and Employment specifically.  President Kingsley also spoke regarding teaching Self Reliance.  Sister DaBell played the music for Sacrament meeting and Primary and also taught the Primary children. ( Sister DaBell Here:  no one came to teach primary.  the Primary President was not there.  the counselor had to take care of a sick child.  The Branch President was going to teach primary, I said oh, just leave the children with me.  We had a lesson on having the courage to choose the right in difficult situations.) 
We announced the Career Workshop to be taught in Kwa Guqa Ward on November 12, 13, 2012.  Several Witbank members plan on attending.


Devotional October 1, 2012     The devotional thought today was given by Joseph Mokoena, head of area travel.  He gave an inspirational account that occurred in November 2010 when Elder Christofferson was on his way to Africa to dedicate the nation of Angola for the preaching of the Gospel. 
Joseph got a call from Church Headquarters at midnight explaining that they had been unable to acquire the visa for Elder Christofferson to enter Angola.  Elder Christofferson was then enroute to Africa, stopping in Johannesburg and then continuing on to Angola.  Joseph immediately started to make contacts to solve this problem, but he kept hitting road blocks.  Elder Christofferson arrived in Johannesburg and met with Joseph.  When he inquired about the Visa, Joseph told him of the problems, they seem insurmountable. 
Elder Christofferson said the Lord wants me in Angola, you will solve the problem.  Joseph was doubtful.  Elder Christofferson said let us pray.  He beseeched  Heavenly Father for intervention.  Joseph testified of the miraculous events that followed and allowed not only Elder Christofferson to get to Angola on a timely basis, but he took Joseph along with him and his group.  In  Angola, Elder Christofferson dedicated the land and blessed it with peace and prosperity.  THIS IS THE LORD’S WORK! 

Lesedi Cultural Centre

The hat is pointed to represent mountains.  It is from the mountain tribe of Sotho
October 2, 2012 we visited the Lesedi Cultural Centre.  They feature 5 native villages, sort of a Polynesian Culture type of experience.  Dancing and a native food meal were included
We learned about Zulu, the warriors, Xhosa from the Eastern Cape area, the tribe that Nelson Mandela is from,

Sotho the peaceful mountain people, and Pedi a tribe that wears a Scottish kilt.  At one point the Pedi were fighting the British and the British put Scottish men on the front lines.  In their kilts the Pedi thought they were women and did not attack them, because they would not attack women.  They were tricked into a lost battle. They wear a kilt as a reminder.
Our appreciation of so many things has increased through this opportunity!!
Until next week Elder and Sister DaBell.

1 comment:

  1. What sweet experiences! The faith exhibited in Cordencio and the story of Joseph and Elder Christofferson is is inspiring. Thank you for sharing with us. With love Ruth and Wes.
    PS Those 2 movies are some of our favorites!
