Friday, October 26, 2012

October 26 Happy Birthday Lindsey!

This is the Johannesburg Stake Center building

 “Come to the edge, he said.
We are afraid, they said.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came to the edge,
He pushed them and they flew.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They came. It pushed them...
And they flew.”

October 16-20,  We supervised the reroofing project at the Orphanage in Tembisa.  4 new doors were also installed.  The new roof will keep the children dry and the new doors will keep the rats out.  Family and friends back home donated money as well as some Senior Couples. 

Mama's birthday celebration with her friends.

Mama turned 68 years old on October 20, 2012.  Thank you all again for your generosity with the improvement project.  You have made a HUGE difference!

 October 20  We went shopping at the China mall!  What a deal.  Lots of interesting people and stuff.  I bought a cute skirt for the equivalent of $10.00.
Below is Mary.  She is the Stake Relief Society President of the Pretoria Stake.  Wonderful Lady!
October 21   We attended conference in Pretoria Stake and heard inspiring talks from Elder Holland, Elder and Sister Bricknell, President Boshoff and several members called on to bear testimony.   A choir from Pretoria First Ward provided the music.   Elder Holland inspired us regarding the growth of the Church and the leaders’ effort to visit and mingle with the members.  He concluded giving everyone an Apostolic Blessing, he blessed us as if he were placing his hands on our heads.  He also blessed all those that we pray for, including our extended families.  This blessing was comforting and also gave us more counsel to ponder and strive to make meaningful in our individual lives and the lives of those we serve.

On the way home, we stopped at the orphanage for Mama’s Birthday.  We gave her a pair of new athletic shoes.  She was pleased.  There were a number of her friends who came to celebrate, also.

October 22-24,  We taught  a Career Workshop in the Employment Center.  This course is a miracle.  Many of our students come in shy and reserved, unable to express their dreams and their capabilities.  After three days, they are standing before the group speaking with confidence. (see Shain's story below)

October 25      This day will go down as a highlight in our mission and even our lives.  We attended  an Area Office Devotional where Elder Holland spoke of gratitude and service and we were able to speak with and shake Elder Holland, Elder and Sister Clayton and Elder and Sister Renlund’s  hands.  They are great leaders and ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In the afternoon at the Joburg Stake Center, we were able to attend a mission zone conference where we received instruction from Elder and Sister Renlund, Elder and Sister Clayton and Elder Holland.  We have never been more passionately motivated by an Apostle to serve our mission.  This mission will change our lives forever. 
Elder Holland counselled us to learn more everyday and make this moment mean a great deal!  He said , especially to the young Elders, “Don’t go home and act like you were never here.”  

He taught us how Preach My Gospel was born in the year 2000 and explained that the missionaries need to study and be taught so that missionaries are prepared to teach individuals and families according to the unique needs of the individuals and families. “We can’t expect investigators to go where we are, until we are willing to listen and teach based on what they are feeling and where they have been.”

We have had some spectacular storms this week.  We understand you have too, especially Idaho area.

Here are some pictures of the sky from our apartment window.

We go to Pretoria on Sunday.  The Jacaranda trees are in full bloom there.  They will be here in a couple of weeks.  I’ll send pictures.

This young man's name is Shain.  He took our Career Workshop this past week.  He has been living on the street.  He is a member of the Church.  He came to hear Elder Holland.  I took a picture of him shaking Elder Holland's hand and printed and laminated it for him.  Shain was really moved by the whole experience.   He spent the rest of the day in the Employment Resource Center and then again today (Friday).  He just came up to me and said that he has a prospective employer who is calling him on Monday.  He said, will you please pray for me, I really need this job.  Will you all join with us and pray for Shain. He is an articulate young man whose dream is to be an attorney.  He is ready to make some changes in his life. 

Sister Clayton (just behind) rubbed his shirt a little and said, "Oh, your clothes are so thin, you must be freezing."  Tears welled up in her eyes.

Thank you for your prayers. 
Love to you all Elder and Sister DaBell


  1. We love to hear about the people you are serving, and their stories! Thank you for inspiring us to make more of our lives and give more meaningful service.
    Love you,
    Wes and Ruth
    PS The Jacaranda trees are beautiful! Wow.

  2. We know Shain from Institute in Joburg Institute. He told us he had to go away several months ago. He looked so unhealthy. He was very kind to us and I have worried about him. Thank you for helping him.
    Sister Hymas
    I am loving your blog...can I pay you to do ours j/k
