Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This is not our speed!


Tortoise from Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens. 

This guy was very big. 

And very slow.  

We attended a self employment type of expo.  I noticed a booth that vends cottage industry handicrafts.  Some of you will be receiving items from this booth for Christmas.  Dolls and Carvings.

We attended an Employment Resource Centre Couples Conference Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  It was held at the Sunnyside Hotel.  It is an older facility with pretty upscale architectural detail for the day. 

The Sister here is Vivien Roberts the Employment Resource Center Manager. 
 The Brother in the Blue Shirt is her assistant, Dominic Tshabalala

We met with missionary couples involved in employment from Cape Town Mission, Durban Mission, Kenya Mission, and those of us here in Johannesburg.  We shared ideas, buoyed each other up and had some R & R.  Kind of like a zone conference that lasted 3 days. 
We concluded with a temple session on Friday evening.  What an experience!!!!  I had to stop a minute and cry in the Celestial Room.
Saturday we returned to the orphanage.  We are always greeted with warm hugs and smiles. 

While we were there, the police brought in a little boy 2 years old or so, who was found wandering on the street.  No name, and no one around him knew to whom he belonged.  He will stay with Mama until someone comes forward to identify him.  He did not talk.  He was half naked when they found him, He did not cry, or resist. 
He enjoyed haing his face painted.  The South African Flag theme is for heritage day on Monday. (see below)
The new roof has a problem that will require some work and funds.  The material used to replace the roof was donated and is of very poor quality.  It will have to be redone.  Dominic and his family from our ERC office came and delivered a commodities request.  He manages the funds raised by Elder and Sister Savage’s daughter.  (See earlier blog) 

 There was a high school group there doing some outside cleaning and painting South African Flags on the children’s faces.  They played jump rope (skip rope here). They were delighted to have their pictures taken - High school students and children alike.

Sunday we attended Church in Mabopane.  We had the opportunity to train in Ward Council, speak in Sacrament Meeting, teach YSA, play the music for Sacrament Meeting, and play more music for Primary. 

 The children sing!  We really had a good time together.

Monday in celebration of Heritage day we went to the Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens.  Beautiful area!  Things are getting so green, the flowers are blooming, the day was beautiful and just the right temperature.  20 or so of us serving here went together.
There were some large green grasshopper type bugs that are poisonous if you touch them, and will kill you if you eat them.  Their wings are very colourful.

At the back end of the gardens is a beautiful water fall.  It reminded me of our final family picnic at Bridal Veil Falls!!!
(sorry I can't get the picture to stay rotated)
Until Next Week!! E & S DaBell

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely much busier and quicker than that tortoise! What a good work you are doing.
