Thursday, October 18, 2012

The rains came down and the children were dry,

The rains came down and the children were dry............

October 18, 2012 
Last Sunday was our General Conference viewing.  We watched the afternoon sessions, as we were able to see the morning sessions at 6 pm on the days confrence was held. 
There are no Costcos in South Africa.  We are making do with Makro, a bulk quantity store, that really isn't any less expensive, but reminds us a little of Costco. 

This week, Tuesday and Wednesday, we taught a Self Employment Workshop in Mamelodi, a township area about 45 minutes from home.  We had 9 complete the class.  Sometimes when there are not enough jobs, you need to recognize a need and market your skills.  Elder DaBell is really in his element!!!

Busy week this week at the orphanage!  The old roofing was taken off and replaced with better supports and materials.  We have also added an overhang to give some shelter to the doorways.  the roof will extend out to the end of the long boards. One more day of construction and it will be finished.

When we go there the children are always wanting a picture taken.  We take one, then show them what they look like, and then the giggles start.

Mama wanted her picture taken by her “transport.”  Cool wheels, HUH!
It rained Tuesday night and for the first time in... maybe ever, the children were dry.... (from the rain, not even sweaty wet).

I told Mama that our children and others from back home had given money for this worthy cause.  She said somewhat amazed, “Your children, they gave money for us?  Thank you!  Thank you!  I shall live forever!”
It is Mama’s birthday Saturday.  She will be 68 years old.
Thank you so very much for what you have done!!!!
I have a new calling.  I am the Area Music Specialist.  I will facilitate the Harmon Music Education Fund Program.  Brother and Sister Jack Harmon funded a program to loan electronic keyboards to dedicated students who can work to qualify to apply for a grant to receive their own instrument.  In return, they accompany the hymns in their wards and branches, and teach others to play.  There are some who have done amazingly well.  We have a “den” storing keyboards.  There are dozens out on loan throughout the Africa Southeast Area.
I have also inherited 4 piano students.  I will teach them here at the area offices.

We have some fellow missionaries, the Callahans, who are going home in a week.  Elder Callahan has been the Area medical Advisor.   Elder Dr. Callahan has been expecially helpful for Mama's Orphanage. We have a "farewell" for missionaries being released.  It is a home evening with a fun program. The Callahans have been good friends.  We wish them the best of everything.  Sister Callahan served in the calling I have just received.

This is Africa

Thanks again for your orphanage support!  And for your continued prayers for our safety.

Elder and Sister DaBell

1 comment:

  1. Mama sounds so humble and grateful. I want to be more like that. Congrats on your calling. It's a blessing to use your talents like that to help others. I keep trying to knit something for myself and the Lord keeps handing me projects to do for other people. I'm much happier knitting for others, so it works out very well. =) Thank you for all the amazing, informative photos.
