Monday, December 3, 2012

3 December 2012

Oh what do you do in the summer time
When all the world is green?
Do you find yourself old
And not missing the cold
And pray for the land of the free?
Is that what you do?
So do we.

 We had a zone conference with Elder Soares November 29.  After the Conference, we enjoyed a picnic in the Johannesburg Botonical Gardens.

Oh what do you do in the summer time
When all the world is green?
Do you hang Christmas sox
Or mail out a box
To your fam-i-ly over the seas?
Is that what you do?
So do we.
We found some Christmas decorations in the top of our closet.  The tree is not as hard to put up as our one in Bozeman which is 12 feet high.

Oh what do you do in the summer time
When all the world is green?
Do you stuff children’s dolls
Or walk on the mall
Or count Christmas lights on the tree?
Is that what you do?
So do we.

Sister Peterson (left) has a project she asked for help on.  She is making dolls for 2-3 orphanages for Christmas.  Very cute project.  In one hospital downtown Jo-Burg, there are 1000 babies born a week.  some of them go home in paper bags.  Sister Hoffman is heading up a project to make 1000 blankets to give to the babies who wouldn't have anything to be wrapped in. The Sister in yellow is Sister Rose.

We are able to walk (run) on the top of the mall across the street.  It provides a safe close place for exercise

This is a view of our apartment building from the top of the mall.  Our "flat" is on the bottom row looking out over the garage roof.  The view is very nice.  We can't see the street and the next building is not close.  The trees are beautiful.
Oh what do you do in the summer time
When all the world is green?
Do you play Christmas songs
Or just hum along
Or carol? We love all three!
Is that what you do?
So do we.

I am missing my real piano!!!!
But I am thankful even for a keyboard.

You save electricity when you buy on the hoof, or wing as it were..........
Just let it roam until you are ready for the meal.

Oh what do you do in the summer time
When all the world is green?
Do you make Christmas treats
The word here is sweets

And share with the neighbours you see?
Is that what you do?
So do we.

These families are from the Democratic Republic of Congo .  They are going to the temple to be sealed as families for all eternity.  They  came by plane and speak only French.  They loved having their picture taken and then looking at what was on my camera.

The Bunkers came to Johannesburg with these families from the DRC.  They had just completed their mission and were on their way home to Salt Lake City.

Oh what do you do in the summer time
When all the world is green?
Do you share what you know
And help others to grow
Or humble yourself on your knees?
Is that what you do?
So do we.

This Nativity is made in  Kenya.  It is banana leaves.

Oh what do you do in the summer time
When all the world is green?
Do you act out The Play
Of Nativity Day
And be grateful that
He came to be?
Is that what you do?
So do we

November 19th and 20th   Elder Basso and I taught a Self Employment Workshop to 9 individuals in Tembisa.   Sister Beauty, the Ward Employment Specialist, arranged for lunch each day. 

November 20th   Sister DaBell and I were interviewed by President Armstrong and set apart to be temple ordinance workers.  We have much to learn!


November 22nd   We had Thanksgiving dinner in the Area Presidency  “White House”  garage.  Excellent food and good will and a devotional talk by Elder Cook helping us all think of our many blessings.

November 23rd   We worked as temple ordinance workers in the Johannesburg Temple for the first time.  We anticipate helping every other Friday afternoon.  Ordinances performed in the temple are a  culmination  of much missionary work both here and in the Spirit World.

November 25th    We attended Centurion First Ward.  Bishop Comrie was very welcoming  and  invited us to do training at Ward Council on Thursday,  December 13th at 7 pm.  We were inspired in Sacrament meeting with talks on the importance of the family.
November 26th and 27th   Elder Basso and I taught Self Employment Workshop to 5 individuals in Vosloorus Ward.   We met a member, 76 year old Ishmael, who was caring for a ward garden near the chapel.   We also met a man named Phillip at Pick N Pay from the Assembly of God church who we offered to teach a workshop on Careers and he promised to get back to us.

November 26th  FHE:   President and Sister Reber from the Johannesburg MTC shared the miracle happening to young missionaries they welcome every 3 weeks  (every two weeks starting in January)   They are devoted servants and are helping train and change lives.  One part of the presentation was titled "No, Elder, No".....VERY FUNNY.
November 28th, 29th, and 30th   We taught 8 individuals the Career Workshop, a delightful  and intelligent group.  (members from the DRC often struggle with English, but are so anxious to learn.

December 2 we attended Sacrament meeting in Tembisa Ward and Relief Society and Priesthood meeting in Rabie Ridge Ward.   After the Christmas holidays we will have the opportunity to do training and teaching in these two wards.

Wonderful Children!!!!

Sunday evening we had a display of Employment Resources at the Regional Young Single Adult fireside held in the Pretoria Stake Center.  Elder and Sister Soares were the speakers and were very personable.  The message for the youth was about decision making and honoring covenants.  They spoke of their own courtship and how their lives today are a result of the good decisions they made and honored in their youth.

We are considering a downsize in our automobiles when we come home.
We are above all, truly blessed. 
Our love to all, Elder and Sister DaBell


  1. What a fun post! That will be such a neat experience to be ordinance workers. Thanks for the update!

  2. Thanks for sharing, Your hair is getting long and you look young, mom! Love you lot guys!

  3. Enjoy every word and musical note of your blog, you two are doing amazing things.
    Was nice to have lunch with you. Be well.
    Elder and Sister Hymas
    We just celebrated our 1 year being in So Africa on the 13th Dec.

  4. I keep seeing those baby wraps, and, especially after today, I think I need to figure out HOW they make them and HOW ON EARTH you get a strong 7 month old to keep from turning completely out of them. I think someone has worn out his welcome. Thank you, moby wrap! ;)

  5. P.S. Love the creativity you put into this post! Very well done.
