Friday, December 14, 2012

14 December 2012-12-14
(by the way Attila the Hyundai is mended, running well and can now charge Lucy, the Garmin).

Anyway you look at it! 
This young man’s name is Anyway.  He is a returned missionary from Zimbabwe.  He has a diploma in Graphic and Web Design.  Very personable young man.  Anyway you look at it, he is Anyway.

Sunday 9 Dec 2012, we attended church at Birch Acres Branch in the Birch Acres Township in the Centurion Stake.  They meet in a rental unit at a Shopping Center.  The rental reminds me of the one Jack and Manda attended in Hermitage.  It has been “improved” a bit and is a comfortable place for this branch to meet. 

You will notice the restrictions on the door way.  No Loitering, No Hawkers and No Jobs.

These houses are part of the township that the members of the Birch Acres Branch live in.

We see vendors all over who sell a variety of things at the traffic lights.
Whoa!  Elder DaBell, Love that profile!

If thou of fortune be bereft,
And in thy store there be but left,
Two loaves, sell one, and with the dole,
Buy "Hydrangeas" to feed thy soul.

Monday and Tuesday we taught a Self Employment class in Mabopane.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we taught a Career Workshop class in the Employment Resource Center.  Busy Week!

Last week we had a sister come into the center with her baby on her back.  She gave me permission to take pictures.  Very photogenic mom and baby.

Monday was a Missionary Farewell for the Webbs who were our next door neighbours when we arrived here.  The months are flying by..................

Wednesday, we invited the Tshabalala Family and the Bassos for pizza and to prepare some Christmas items for the orphanage.  We ate, assembled our Christmas items, watched the Piano Guys playing O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, and sang Christmas Carols.  We had Family Prayer together.

The children are like grandchildren to us, and Dominic and Moipone are like our children.  Wonderful family!!  We will deliver our gifts to the orphanage on Saturday and share the Nativity Story and Christmas Carols.

Thursday evening we attended Ward Council for Centurion First Ward to present some training.  I am always amazed at the similarities between the congregations of the church and the Self Reliance Issues.

Today we found that not all mammals in trees are monkeys.   There is some serious tree trimming going on outside our window. Not of the Christmas variety either!
We have a holiday attached to this weekend, with a train ride (steam engine) on Monday.  Next weeks blog will be busy again.  Love to you all, Elder and Sister DaBell

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