Sunday, August 5, 2012

July 16-July 31, 2012
Farewell Bozeman!  Thank you Heaps, for the ride to the airport.

We were greeted by Sister DaBell's brother, Lloyd, at the Missionary Training Center.

Lloyd is the Gardener Extraordinaire at the MTC.  His goal is to create a quiet, contemplative, reflective place.  He said it is easy to grow things on hallowed ground.  Thanks Lloyd.  Job very well done.

Entry from Elder DaBell
July 27, 2012

We had 10days of training:  5 with Preach My Gospel and 1 with Perpetual Education Fund and 5 with Welfare / Employment.  The underlying purpose of all missions is to invite all to come unto Christ.  the Church's welfare progam has so many ways to reach out to the poor and the needy as admonished by the Savior.  Scriptures of note:   Doctrine & Covenants: 31, 38,42,104, 58. Matt 25,  Alma 34.  Perpetual Education Fund serves nearly 57,000 in many countries.  It is a leadership program, not a loan program.  Elders Carmack and Cook, emeritus General Authorities serve voluntarily along with many Sr. Missionaries and other volunteer staff to make it happen.  (only 4 or 5 paid staff worldwide, amazing!)

I have come to know that helping God's children in employment is a work of love and essential to building the kingdom.  We look forward to watching this work go forward in Johannesburg and helping minister one person at a time.

One of the "sweet experiences" of this mission was meeting my second cousin John Craig Moline from Arkansas.  His grandpa is grandma DaBell's brother.  More on family History later.

Many senior missionaries have been on multiple missions, very inspirational!!  In spite of health concerns, etc. they accept the calls to serve from the Lord through His Prophet.  The Gospel is true and worth leaving "the world" behind and serving!!  I love my companion.

This is our MTC District in front of "The Map."

Hello OR TAMBO Airport (Johannesburg South Africa International Airport)


  1. We saw mom's brother, Ron (Linda and Kaitlyn), at Bambino's in Rigby. They were in town for a wedding reception. Glad you are there safe and sound!

  2. Thank you so much for blogging. What a great way to see photos and join in some of your experiences.

  3. I couldn't agree more with Windybrook Spinner!
