Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 7-19, 2012

We continue to learn our responsibilities, and how to drive on the left side of the street.  Our Garmin is names Lucy for “Lucy light the way” from Nickelodeon Sprouts.  Ashton and Shelby will know who Lucy is.  Sometimes she does well, but very often she can’t find her satellite and we go in circles.  Lucy oh Lucy Light the way.  Garmins around here are names Lia for Liahona,  Sister Garmin, because you are not supposed to give rides to anyone except missionaries, Celest who sometimes gives celestial directions, sometimes terrestrial directions, sometimes telestial and sometimes leaves them in outer darkness.  Another one is named Garmie.

Last Thursday, we went to a Lion Park.  They have a truck with bars and wire over it, and drive around acres and acres of land looking at animals.  We saw lions, impalas, something else water buffalo, leopards, ostrich, giraffes, zebras, wild dogs.  I have a few photos to share.

Today we attended Mamelodi Branch.  It is about 1 hour 15 minutes away.  Lucy did her job well.  This branch has adult sized chairs, a sound system and a podium.  They did not have any music, I offered to play the keyboard I have, but just then the electricity went out in that part of the school, so the music was the same as it has been before.

After Sacrament meeting, I asked the Branch President if I could share my Montana Chocolate bars.  I had 5. Little sister T gave me 4 more before we left Bozeman.  I went to find the primary president and asked her if she needed any help with the music.  She said that she needed help because she needed to be gone the second hour, and there was no one to stay with the 18 children in primary.  The children were ages nursery to 11.   What fun!!!!  We sang, had stories, activities,  

and then I told them of the Chocolate that the Bozeman Children wanted to share.  My 5 chocolate bars fed the 5000 (18) well.  Thank you  Brother D and Sister T for caring about these beautiful children in Africa.


  1. Emmie wishes she could have seen the zebras too. Glad you are doing well.

  2. Ashton wanted to know why the cheetah(?) was crying. Love the name of the Garmin:)

  3. I love the creative names of the Garmin. We haven't named ours, and we've had it for how many years?! I will have to show Bridger these photos when he wakes up from his nap--he will love the animals and pictures of those beautiful children.

    Keep the updates coming!
