Monday, September 9, 2013

Annette Funicello

August 14   Arrive in Johannesburg  via Salt Lake City, Chicago, and Frankfurt. 

13 Suitcases..... 11 of them filled with humanitarian items from wonderful friends and family.
How do you get through customs?  Pray before you start on the trip.  The fear is that clothing will be brought into Africa and put on the market to be sold without the proper fees paid.  Nothing for sale here, though.

The Rebers are wonderful, and so very appreciative.
Thank you Friends and family!
 Delivered 150 plus white shirts 75 plus ties, some suits and female clothing to the Johannesburg MTC.   The goods were warmly received by President and Sister Reber.  We visited with missionaries and have since received feedback that lives have been blessed.   
Back: Sister Reber, Ryan, President Reber, Kyoung.  Front: Grace, Robbie, Regan, Joshua

Wonderful cafeteria at the MTC.  Many of the missionaries have never had it so good!

Slight jet lag showing....

This is Loren and Ann Stegelmeier's Grandson We knew them in Rexburg.

After eating lunch, we proceeded to the Tembisa Orphanage where the children played with Mama’s kids.

Duba Duba is doing well.  Her cough has cleared up.

What fun............bubbles

Jump rope............Playing Ball
Painting fingernails

 We met Elder (Dr.) Hoffman and Sister Hoffman there.  They examined several of the children who had some problems.  Mostly impetigo and ringworm.

The Hoffmans reviewed procedures to improve things, and arranged for needed medications.  We have seen a great deal of humanitarian aid given to the orphanage over the last year.  Mama is appreciative and the children always reach out for love and attention. 

Mama has six new children under about age 4-5.
One of them was severely burned by a drunk mother.   His burn is dressed now, and Mama's helper knows how to take care of it.

Shorty seems to have had a dislocated elbow, but is well on the mend, now.

Our Beautiful Mama and Our Beautiful Family.


  1. Mom, you did it! we are having our own neighborhood slideshow party this Fri. in our back yard. it will be a great fun and chance to show some of the beautiful faces they helped! We will look for more post in the future from you too. I hope dad is doing well now, love you guys!

  2. How wonderful that your family met Mama and all the kids! I love all the pictures!! Everyone looks beautiful and healthier! I'm so grateful Elder and Sister Hoffman were able to visit too! I was able to talk to Mama a couple weeks ago, it was so great to hear her voice and laughter! Please give Mama and the kids loves from me!
