Wednesday, July 24, 2013

15-20 July Cape Town
Oh yes, I see that someone is in there!!! WHEW!!!!!

July 15-20   We had a great visit to Cape Town with the Curtis’, Nielsens and  Hoffmans.    On Monday we flew Kulula ( Google them.  They are like South West in the US) airlines and landed in Cape Town just after 11:00 am.  

We picked up a rental van and checked into the Links  Bed and Breakfast in Pinesland, owned and operated by Mick and Pauline Davies. 

We then visited the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront and enjoyed the craft market and many other shops.  This cute little tug boat takes children for rides around the bay.

Those of you who know Thomas the Tank Engine, will recognize CRANKY.

We concluded the day by eating at the Harbor restaurant by the wharf overlooking the ships and water.  Great food and conversation!

July 16   We left the Links following a delicious breakfast prepared by Pauline and served by Mick at 9 am and proceeded to Hermanus to go whale watching with Southern Right Charters.  

We had an orientation and then boarded the boat just before noon and spent nearly 3 hours looking for and viewing whales.   

We saw several Southern Right whales up close and 2 hump back whales from afar. Southern Right Whales have 2 blow holes and the spray comes out like this.

We came very close to 2 males and 1 female.  The males were seeking her affection.  At one point the female swam underneath our boat to escape the advances.  We watched them for a very long time.  A great adventure.  

A Fin and Body

A Tail

Three Whales

On our way home we stopped at a beach just outside Onrus, a beautiful village. 

We watched this surfer.  He got up on this try.

We met Joseph.  He puts finishing touches on carvings and sells them by the roadside.  We now own a very nice ironwood elephant and he has a Book of Mormon.

This is Nazim

We returned to Cape town and viewed some idyllic villages on the coast line on the way.

July 17   We visited Robben Island and viewed the cell where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years of his 27 year imprisonment.  It was a sobering experience and hard to understand how one race of people in a country could so dominate and basically enslave another race for such a long time during the Apartheid years.  

Table Mountain and Cape Town from Robben Island

Part of Robben island has a village on it.  Very picturesque.

At one time there was a leper colony on the island as well as the prison.  This is the cemetery from the colony.  This and an Anglican Church are all that remain from the colony.  When babies were born they were taken from their parents and sent to other areas.  The parents did not see or hear from their children again.

These are solitary confinement cells.  Some of them also housed dogs to police the prisoners.

Very sobering experience, but a beautiful day.
This bird is the Egyptian Ibis

They posed very nicely for us.

This is a cave in the limestone quarry where the prisoners were required to do hard labour.  They had only small tools to work with. They fashioned stones that were used for building.

Some of the prisoners were illiterate.  They were secretly taught to read and write when short breaks were taken in the cave. 
This is a photo of the prison yard where the prisoners worked on the limestone blocks. The dust caused many eye and lung conditions.

Our guide was a prisoner on the island for 8 years in the 80's.  He is shown here with the Nielsens.

After our visit to Robben Island we enjoyed a lunch at the Bakery next to Nelson Mandela Gateway.   

We drove to the base of the tram on Table Mountain and rode the tram to the top of Table Mountain, One of the seven natural wonders of Africa.  A Clear Day at this time of year is a gift.
Signal Mountain

Spectacular Ocean Views

Cape Town

This time of year, visitor numbers are down and there are places to park and no lines!

 What a view of Cape Town, several bays, Signal Mountain,  and on and on.  

That evening we dined at the Barnyard theatre and listened to an “imitation concert” of Abba, Queen and the Bee Gees.  We tried to reminisce a bit, but the music was too loud and the singers needed a different director.  We only recognized two songs and were happy to leave at the intermission.

July 18   We had a delightful day driving through Simon’s Town to Boulder’s Beach, where we viewed penguins.

Then on to Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope.  We had spectacular views of the ocean and mountains and more and more.

We enjoyed a delicious seafood dinner at the Mariner’s Wharf at Hout Bay.  (definitely ate too much, but wow!) 

Feed the seal Tuppins a fish....
This sweet lady had a bag of fish remains that she threw out to the seal.  Reminded me of the Mary Poppins movie.

Then it was on to Camps Bay and on to Sea Point and back to the Bed and Breakfast, the Links.

July 19    We visited Two Oceans Aquarium which highlighted the fish 
from the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.   

During a serious rain storm, we spent time at the Canal Walk, the largest mall in Africa.  It had many stores and was quite a contrast to the humble townships many of our dear members live in.  

We met a group of performers. Traditional African music.  We took pictures and bought a CD. 

We ended the day by eating at the Wild Fig with President and Sister Wood, President of the Cape Town mission and friend and neighbour of Greg and Sonya and Jeff May in Fairbanks, Alaska.

This highway was built 11 years ago.  It is turning the wrong way, it should go down instead of up.

From the Movie Mahogany........

Do you know where you're going to? 
Do you like the things that life is showing you?  
Where are you going to?  
Do you know?

Love to you all,

Elder and Sister DaBell

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe what you saw! Incredible. Your camera has captured quite the sight. We are headed to Bear Lake this weekend. It is pretty, but I highly doubt we will see what you saw. Cape Town... wow.

    Bridger saw the "cranky" pictures and now insists that Thomas has to be in them... Now I am getting cranky that he keeps insisting!
