Thursday, November 8, 2012

8 November, 2012

Attila the Hyundai

Our transport is named Tilly, Attila the Hyundai formally.  Sometimes she has electrical problems, which is surprising because she is only 1 year old and has about 12,500 Kilometres on her.  She goes into the shop next Wednesday to see why sometimes she quits on us.  We pray to get through our weekend travels without mishap.

Saturday November 3rd:   We drove the Hoffmans, new area medical advisors, around the area to help orient them.  We attempted to visit the Rhino / Lion Park, but Lucy had technical difficulties and we had electrical problems with the car.   (a reminder that  when there is no “vision” or “light” the people perish or at the least don’t find the Rhino / Lion Park) 
The highlight of the day was taking the Hoffmans by the Tembisa Orphanage and having them meet Mamma and the children.  As Elder Hoffman said, “This is what it is all about.”

Mamma, Sister Hoffman, Simphiwe

Simphiwe has been at the orphanage since she was 7 years old.  She is now 15 and calls Mamma, Grandmother.  She actually attends the Tembisa Ward, I don’t know if she is a member.  The building is just through the block.  She wanted to go to girls camp, but Mamma did not have enough help, so she stayed home to help out.

This young boy was brought to the orphanage just the other day.

Sunday November 4th   We attended Kwa Thema ward with the Hoffmans. 
Bishop Radebe and the entire ward were friendly and enthusiastic.

The Callahans attended this ward before they went home. Sister Callahan had been teaching piano lessons to three young girls.  They are ready to take over the music, they just asked for help on the Sacrament hymn.

We bore our testimonies.  Every testimony meeting we have attended in South Africa has been impressive:  so much testimony focusing on the Saviour and His Atonement and the truthfulness of the Gospel.  These wonderful members know the doctrine behind what they bear testimony of.
We were able to teach a class in the Sunday School time to over 50 youth, 12-18, and Young Single Adults about career and education planning. 

Two 14 year old young men preparing for missions

Lots of enthusiasm, but we are always amazed that many have no idea what they plan on doing after high school.  Actually, they need a plan before high school, because the courses they take in high school will determine what they are able to pursue in post high school education. They need to dream, plan, and get serious about training.  Jobs are available for those with adequate and focused training.  Dreams become realities with work and a plan.

In Relief Society, I sat by Sauna and her son.  This family is investigating.  There are 3 children and parents.  She is reading the Book of Mormon and says there is power in that book.

After church, we attended a Baptism where two young adult brothers were baptized.  There were two great talks on Baptism and the Holy Ghost.

This young man was taking care of siblings while his parents attended the baptism.

We Love the Hair Styles!!!!

November 5th through 9th    Self Employment Workshop in the Employment Resource Center which included 2 days of instruction, 2 days of research and then the final day reviewing and critiquing draft business plans.

Wednesday, my wonderful piano students came.  They were well prepared, and I forgot to take pictures.  Sorry, pictures next week.  Minenhle, nine years old, says he is going to be the youngest person to every play the hymns for Sacrament meeting.

I had an email from my brother, Roy.   He had an Elder Padoa for a missionary companion who was from Pretoria.  Well, President Padoa now serves in the Benoni Stake Presidency and his wife is a secretary to Elder Soares of the area presidency.

Our love and congratulations to Alex and Lisa.  Their new son Carson was born 5 November, 2012.

Today, Thursday, Suzen came in for some help with her piano playing.  Suzen is very motivated.  She has worked on her playing since 2007 having a little help now and then when she can find it. 

She is a valuable resource for her ward.  The primary program is this next Sunday and she is accompanying the Primary.

Hopefully, she will be able to come for a lesson whenever she comes to the temple.  Usually about once a month. 

Thank you for your letters, emails, comments, and phone calls.  We are blessed to have such caring family and friends.

Elder and Sister DaBell

1 comment:

  1. i probably say this too much, but I enjoy so very much the stories you are telling. Things have sure changed in South Africa since 1966 when I was there. Keep up the good work, and keep the great blog entries coming. Ken
