Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012


Future missionaries from the Atteridgeville Ward!!!

September 2nd           We visited Atteridgeville Ward, inspiring!  Met with Bishop Maleka regarding Welfare and Employment.  Met with Sister Mashila, Ward Welfare Specialist.  We taught and  oriented her, but emphasized she is to follow the Bishop’s counsel.  Testimony meeting was well attended and we had opportunity to bear testimony.  I am continually impressed with the strong testimonies borne of the Atonement and the Book of Mormon.

I greeted an elderly man in the hallway.  I said, “Hello, I am Sister DaBell.”  He reached out his hand gave the Zulu hand shake and said, “I led the children of Israel to the promised land.”  I said, “Oh you must be Moses.”
After Church, Moses met me again in the parking lot.  He said, “I love this church so much.”  He then told his conversion story.  And told how much he loves his wife.  She has passed away and he is grateful for the opportunity to be with her once again.  He said, “I can pay tithing in this church, and they give me a certificate saying that I am a full tithe payer even if it is just two small coins like the story of the widow.  In my old church, you had to pay a lot, like the whoo-whoo big shots.”  Then he gave a swaggy sway to his hips. To the right of Brother Moses is Elder Hess from Ashton, Idaho.
 September 9th   We visited Pretoria Second Ward.  We did Welfare / Employment training in Ward Council.  We then had the opportunity to speak in Sacrament Meeting regarding Welfare Principles.  In the third hour, we met with 3 individuals regarding their individual employment needs.  We committed to speak with President Dele Davies to schedule additional Career Workshops and Self Employment Workshops in the Pretoria area.  After church we met with Bishop Alexander to debrief and speak of individual needs.

This piano is 110 years old!

I met Ilene.   She has a cute 5 month old little girl.  She let me hold her.  It was so sweet.  The baby looked at me smiled played with her dress a little and fell asleep, snuggled in my arms.  I thought I was in heaven.

The Alexander’s invited us to dinner.  Bishop Alexander is a professional chef.  They live on 4 hect acres, in an open plan large home, with a pool and extensive gardens.

This is a Weaver bird's going in it's nest.  If the wife doesn't like it, it is torn down and another one built. This one is newly built, it is still green.

Elder Taylor Hartman and his wife Sister Jean Hartman are serving in the Johannesburg Mission.  You may remember that Elder Hartman is the author of The Color Code.  They presented "The Color Code" for Home Evening last night.  It was Fantastic!  Elder Hartman is a true yellow.

Until next Week...............Elder and Sister DaBell

1 comment:

  1. Our favorite website! We're envious but the sin be on your shoulders for forcing us to be.

    Wes and Ruth
