Thursday, January 23, 2014

26 Dec 2013 - 4 Jan 2014
(Posted 23 Jan 2014)

How Far Is It To Bethlehem?
not very far...........

26-29  December   We traveled to Bethlehem with Hoffmans and took part in Humanitarian service with them and the Andersons who are Member Leader Support Missionaries in Bethlehem and Phuthaditjhaba.  Elder Hoffman gave 4 Patriarchal blessings, Margaret taught a group piano class.

My Piano Class, it would be fun to be able to continue lessons....

Alfred travels 15 miles to the Church.  His Bicycle has needed repairs, so he has been walking or catching a ride when possible.  He serves as the Branch Clerk.  He would like to serve a mission, but has no birth certificate.

27 December  we went to a Primary Farm School where we played with, provided lunch and left food stuffs for 40 plus school children. 

Keepers of the cows and the gate.
Restrooms for the school.

Because we brought balls, a soccer game was a natural.........disaster until

Brother Makoena organized two teams.

The pre school children thought it was a good idea....

The Cook, Elizabeth Mokoena the retiring school teacher and her daughter
The class room, Elder Anderson and Elizabeth

This home is made of sticks and mud.  The roof is just a metal sheet.  Many of the roofs have stones on them to keep them in place when the wind is strong.

The children danced for us, and Elder Hoffman joined right in.

We brought food staples with us, as well as lunch for the school children.  They are fed one meal while at school.  We also brought a sandwich lunch for each of them.

The food is stored in a storage kitchen.
The walls are congregated metal and papered with news paper.
Here is the cook!

It really is cheerful.

There were several pre schoolers who came to see what was going on..........

Waiting patiently for the ceremonies to end so we can eat!!!!!

Elder Hoffman gave a “quick” physical check-up for the children and was pleased with their overall health. 

This is a Christmas Bird.  They come in Blue Yellow Red Orange.  They migrate.
Christmas comes when the birds come.

28 December We were able to tour Golden Gate park (green mountains, Montana and Wyoming like)  

Sister Hoffman gave a Book of Mormon to the Guard

We stopped at a cultural village and took a tour.  No dancing, but very informative.
The medicine man, the Traditional Healer

Aloe Vera Plants.
The males grow Clockwise and the Females Counter Clockwise, or something like that

For grinding maise

Native Costume, made of skins and many layers!

The village showed the progression of the homes

Today's home

The village chief, left.  You only visit him with his permission.  The guy on the right is his official food taster.  Saves the chief from being poisoned.

Sable Antelope

Looks like home in the summer!

Clarens is a quiet touristy Afrikaans town.

We had a great lunch at Clementine’s in Clarens, a small town with lots of shops that reminded us of Park City, Utah or Jackson, Wyoming.  Becky and I picked up exchange gifts for the white elephant Chinese gift exchange at the Shupe’s on New Year’s Eve. 

The new Phuthaditjhaba Church

This is Thepo Mofokeng from Krugersdorp.  He was visiting an Uncle in Phuthaditjhaba the Sunday we were there.  He is 13 years old and is investigating the Church.  Very fine young man.

The Baptisimal Font

The Kitchen.  

The general neighborhood.

29 December On Sunday, we attended Phuthaditjhaba Branch and were impressed with their newly renovated rental building:  a big improvement over the school they used to meet in.  I met with President Thusi and reviewed his plumbing business and his plans to obtain a driver’s license and expand his business.  Hoffmans spoke in Sacrament meeting and expressed love and testified of the truthfulness and growth of the Gospel in the World generally and Africa specifically.  Elder Hoffman gave 3 more Patriarchial Blessings.  Elder Hoffman is a wonderful person.

One of the high lights of the trip was listening in on the Patriarchal Blessings for a recently sealed couple in Bethlehem that evening.   They were promised tremendous blessings as a family and opportunities to help spread the Gospel in Africa.  We could see in them a pioneer spirit and the foundation of the Church in the Free State area. 

30 December   We attended Monday Devotional and prepared for the New Year. We have workshops planned in Kwa Thema, Nelspruit, Mamelodi  and the Employment Resource Centre and much more to plan for.  We have been asked to speak in Tembisa First Ward and we will reach out to our Stakes and District in 2014.

31 Dec New Year’s Eve party at RQ and Susan Shupe’s flat.  Played Chinese Gift Exchange and found New Year Predictions in balloons.  Fun Fun time.  We went home at 9;30, as it was already past the new year somewhere in the world.

1 Jan enjoyed a Brunch with the Heatons and Garretts and then played games.  Just a relaxed day.  In the evening, we went to the Adam’s flat to check out football games.  We also discovered the USA TV series White Collar.  We will have to watch the past seasons.

January 4

Saturday morning, we went to Makro to purchase 3 more backpacks for the 
orphanage and then to Tembisa.  Mama was standing over by the garden with a halfbarrow of coals, smoke and several large pots.  She came over to us and said, I am so cross, I am so Cross I am so CROSS!  The electric is off!

The Gardners take a little produce home for pay.

This is Mama, AJ, Ahmazulu, Amahle, and Buhle.  They are sisters, and their mother is in prison "forever."

This is Luvo, Bongile and Spobonbo, brothers.  Notice Luvo's guitar!

When there is not room for everyone around my hair, the dolls come out.

Later, we found that the power had been off since Friday night.  7 children slept with Mama in her bed because it was so dark.  DubaDuba would not go to sleep in the dark, so Mama turned on her cell phone to provide some light until DubaDuba went to sleep. 

Not an ideal situation for 25 children.  We took her to the City office and then to the power station.  

Mama said to Dominic,
 “Elder DaBell just stepped into the queue in front of everyone, and then said, 'come here, Mama,' and moved me right up to the front of the queue and then told the clerk to fix my electric.  I had a problem, and my son (she calls Elder DaBell her son) came and fixed it for me.  I am so happy!  3 power trucks arrived that afternoon and the problem was fixed."  

It seems that when the library was built by WBHO Construction Company.  It was built over the power lines, and the lines were damaged, thus resulting in occasional power outages.  With the 3 trucks and workers, the lines were repaired.  How blessed we were to have gone to the orphanage that morning.

Then came the hugs.  As I was sitting getting my hugs and hair style, the children sang my sunshine, my sunshine.  I thought “You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine” and began to sing.  They joined in and loved it.  Luvo had a little plastic guitar and began to strum and tap his foot.  I thought  “The Kings have been here…..they taught the children this song and Elder King played his Uke.  The guess was right!  They love the singing. 

I love the hair styling and hugs.

We are trying hard to catch
up!  The weeks and months are flying by so quickly.  

Until Next time, 

Elder and Sister DaBell


  1. Those beautiful blue skies and rolling green hills! GORGEOUS!

    I loved the story about Dad getting the power fixed. It made Garrett and me smile. :) (Oh, and the thought of Mom singing, you are my sunshine, to those beautiful children. Love this!)

    I also happened to see that you guys have been watching White Collar... um, this is Garrett's favorite show as of late. Just finished the season and am now feeling withdrawls. Chat with Garrett about it. He'll enjoy that! (And now I know where he gets it from!)

  2. PS. Garrett is watching the Blind Side right now. Reminded me of Dad. :)
