Friday, October 25, 2013

Isaiah 49:15-16  ...They may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Behold I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands...

I was listening to the BYU Discussions on the Book of Mormon the other day.  The discussion was on Mosiah 14. You will remember this is Abinidi quoting Isaiah 53. Isaiah speaks Messianically.  In this chapter we learn of the humiliation and sufferings set forth by Jesus Christ who makes his soul an offering for sin and makes intercession for transgressors. 

In the discussion, D. Kelly Ogden quoted the following from 

Jacobus Revius.  It was a very moving experience!

Jacobus Revius (1586—1685)

He Bore Our Anguish  
It was not the Jews, Lord Jesus, who crucified you,
Nor the traitors who dragged you to the law,
Nor the contemptuous who spit in your face
Nor those who bound you, or hit you full of wounds,
And it was not the soldiers who with evil hands
Lifted up the reed, or the hammer,
Or set that cursed wood on Golgotha,
Or cast lots and gambled for your robe;
It is I, O Lord, it is I who have done it,
I am the heavy tree that overburdened you,
I am the rough hands that bound you,
The nail, the spear, and the cords that whipped you,
The bloodied crown that tore your head:
All this happened, alas! for my sins.

(Translated by Charles D. Tate, BYU Published in BYU Studies, 15.1 
(Autumn 1974) p. 103)

October 5-6 We visited the orphanage in the morning.  I tried to thread Mama's serger.  The thread kept breaking.  There might be a tension problem, but Mama said that she had a friend who has the same model machine and she will get some help from her.  

 Currently at the orphanage (missing Mandela and Siphiwe aka Shorty and I am not sure who else).












Bobo (does not stay at night.....)



Natasha aka Duba Duba

Amahle and Duba Duba

After we got home from the orphanage we were able to view all sessions of General Conference on BYU TV.  Saturday and Sunday sessions were available at 6 and 10 pm and the Priesthood session was available at 2 am Sunday morning South African time.  It was disruptive sleep wise, but inspiring to view real time and know the will of the Lord through his Prophets and other leaders.  

Did you see this photo of President Monson?  He stopped on his way out after conference, beckoned to a young boy, knelt down and shook his hand.  The young boy will never forget what the prophet did for him.  We bear testimony that Thomas Spencer Monson is the Lord's living prophet on the earth today.

October 7-10   We planned our outside workshops and Unit visits through the end of November.

October 11  We served in the Temple.

October 13  We attended the Primary Program in Vosloorus Ward:  what a wonderful presentation!  We taught over 50 youth and YSA on making critical choices and we trained in their Ward Council on Self Reliance.  Bishop Moloi is a fine leader.  

The ward is large and strong.  The area around the church is nicely kept.  The houses are permanent with grass and flowers.  

We passed a recycle station on the way.

This is Patience.  She is a Security guard at the Area Offices and Temple.  She also serves in the Vosloorus Ward Primary Presidency.

This is Ruth.  She also works for Stallion Security as a Security Guard.

October 14   We had the Larsen farewell for FHE.  Elder and Sister Larsen have served well:  he in legal and she in public affairs, Missionary applications and social activity chair person.  They are so positive!  They are experts on old African Trade Beads.  Her necklace is the real deal! We will bring a few examples home with us.

October 16  We met with Tebogo to help her complete Career Workshop.  She lives in Lenasia, and is meeting with the full time missionaries in Ennerdale on Saturday to start missionary lessons.  She is 20, vivacious and hoping to get employment in HR and someday become a medical doctor.  She spent the first 12 or so years of her childhood in a village in Limpopo, and when she became of the age for her initiation, the family moved to Johannesburg Area.

October 19  We attended and presented at the Centurion Stake Career Fair from 10 to 1 pm at the Hospitalview Chapel.  

The drive to Hospitalview is always very interesting.  Those who have proper documentation can receive a house after a long, long time on a waiting list.  There are many who have come from other countries without documentation.  They live in whatever they can find to give them a little shelter.

This is known as a Tuck Shop.  We would say C Store.

Lots of industrious businesses.

These are Residences.

Next to the man in the striped shirt is a water spigot.  
This is a place for water, wash, garbage, recycle and the loo.

This woman is dressed to go to town.
A Barber Shop!!   Electricity even.....IS IT!

An enterprising couple.


A beautiful fruit, vegetable stand.
The homes by the church are nicely kept.
Hospitalview Chapel

On the left is Inginious Khumalo, 20 years old. He is waiting for his mission call.

Alice Ncube, wife of the Stake Welfare Specialist and a school teacher. (25 years old)

Moses, from Tembisa,  in the blue shirt is working on starting a chicken farm.

This is Sister Cindi, the Hospitalview Ward Welfare Specialist.

Elder and Sister Neilsen, PEF Missionaries.
Sindisani took Career Workshop in the area office.  
He is being baptized at one o clock 19 October in Hospitalview Ward Font.

Siphiwe, the young man in the red shirt, is being baptized
20 October in the Hospitalview Ward Font

Then to the Pretoria Stake Career Fair from 2 to in the Pretoria East Building.  

A busy and productive day where over 150 youth were able to be exposed to education and career opportunities.  (Networking is so important) 

Impressive rain storm on the way home.  Beautiful full double rainbow.

This Taxi (Combi) was so packed, the man in the back corner had to open the window to have room for his shoulder.

October 20  We attended the Mamelodi Ward with Elder and Sister Curtis.  On our way we passed a huge accident involving two buses.  No traffic hold up, though.  I don't know why my camera date says October 19.  It really was Sunday!!!!

I played the piano in Sacrament meeting.  The Relief Society President asked me if I could find the music to "If The Way be Full of Trial, Weary On."  It was published in the 1909 Deseret Sunday School Hymnal.  I located the music and found that the Tab Choir has sung it. The Relief Society President is named Phoebe Msiza.

and we encouraged the Bishop to set up additional workshops and call additional specialists.

Thsabalala Family is well......Ntando, Khumo and Minenhle

Bokang and Awande

Minenhle completed his first piano book.  I gave him a certificate.
He was very pleased.  The picture was taken last February at a recital.

Dominic and Amahle

Moipone, Bokang, Grams and Amahle

Alex and Lisa sent a care package with candy and more candy.
We shared it with the staff and patrons in the Center.
Thank you all for the cards, letters and drawings, and candy.

Futbol is huge here!!!!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood......
It's Jacaranda season again!
Repair and remodel at the area office continues.  
OSHA would have a hey day!!!!!

As we hear every day.......
"Are you well?
Stay safe."


  1. Oh, I miss those beautiful Thsabalala's kids!!!!!! We still haven't set up SKYPE with them yet!!!! Please give our love to them when you see them next week! LOVE & miss you!

    1. Oh, by the way, what happened to Shorty?

    2. We just missed Shorty for pictures. He and Mandela are still there.
