Tuesday, July 23, 2013

23 July 2013

The Lord pays the same for the day's labour, whether you are there at the beginning or come later.  (Matthew 20 parable of the labourers).

June 29   Elder Basso and  Elder DaBell taught a Self Employment Workshop in the Benoni ward to several  specialists and members from the Benoni Stake.  

We hope this helps the individuals and will train specialists to be ready to teach the workshops themselves.  One participant was Obed, the Elder’s Quorum President from Tsakane Branch, who  has been organizing a chicken cooperative with 12 other people to help them become self reliant in Tsakane.  

Ithemba Lama–Africa
Projects Cooperative

We are impressed with Obed’s  diligence and his overall business plan.  This is a business that appears will be successful.  He says when he is more self reliant, he will be ready to be married.  He is a faithful soul.

June 30  We returned to Tsakane Branch and taught a combined Priesthood / Relief Society meeting about Self reliance principles.  

We stayed for a baptism in the Tsakane Branch, where a grandmother and two of her granddaughters were baptized and confirmed by her returned missionary grandson,  Mosa from Protea Glen.   Mosa baptized his grandmother, and then lifted her up and out of the font.  It was sweet.

 Mosa's sister is in the Tsakane Branch and will attend with her grandmother and her younger sisters.  The younger girls live with their grandmother. 

We have met Mosa before as he and his two partners started a “fast food” business  that is doing very well, and he now works in the Area Office.  

Also, in Tskane, Elder Garrett, former religion instructor at BYU, taught Gospel Doctrine from the Doctrine and Covenants lesson on not being deceived. What a treat, he has written books on the Doctrine and Covenants and he enlightened us on lessons we can learn from Thomas B. Marsh, Simons Ryder and other people who have been offended by church leaders and were too proud to “get over it”.

Tsakane is a quiet township

It is orange harvest time here.  The oranges, lemons, and clementines are yummy.

The weather here is perfect for drying clothes on the line.
2 July was a memorable day!  We moved the piano to the Tshabalala home.

Tight fit.  Miracle that the van was big enough!!!!!

Ntando could hardly believe her eyes!  A real piano in a home is NOT common. 

We sang some favorite hymns and had prayer together.

We celebrated with the movers and baby Amahle.

Wonderful surprise for some wonderful kids!

July 1-5    Elder Basso and Elder DaBell taught Self Employment Workshop in the Employment Resource Center.  Sister DaBell is getting very proficient at typing business plans.

July 3   We were interviewed by Elder Bricknell of the Area Presidency.  He is very kind.  He is a native South African and served several years ago as President of the Idaho Pocatello Mission.  He is an Area Seventy and will complete his service as a member of the Area Presidency  July 31, 2013.

His replacement will be a new member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy,  Elder Kevin Hamilton.  Elder Bricknell encouraged us to continue reaching out to individual units and training councils and speaking and teaching.  We find this to be a rewarding part of the work.

July 4 the missionaries from the USA celebrated the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  Songs, food, tributes, and sparklers!  

July 5-7   We traveled to Polokwane Branch.  We stayed at a place called the "Golden Pillow."

Not very golden, but comfortable.

We taught a career workshop to 11 people on Saturday.  What a fun energetic class!

The children were happy to attend, we were happy to have them.

We bore testimony, taught the youth and trained the Branch Council on Sunday.  The leaders and members were very welcoming.  There were around 60 people in attendance.

This is President John Motimele first counselor in the District Presidency.

This is Brother and Sister Thulani Pfende.  He serves as second counselor in the Branch Presidency.

This is President and Sister Ramoolla of the Polokwane Branch.

We returned to Joburg after training the branch council expecting to arrive around 5 pm.  We became “trapped”  in a construction traffic jam and arrived home at 8:00 pm.  We literally covered about 15 to 20 Km  (10 to 12 miles)  in a 3 hour time before we could resume normal speeds. The good news:  we were together and safe and we (I) had a great learning experience in the area of patience.

10 July we conducted a training for the Alexandra Branch Council.  Alexandra is a township located in an inner city area.  The Branch meets in a school. The houses are pretty much stacked upon each other.  We were waiting for the gate to be opened into the school grounds, and we saw something big and fast ...... a rat!!

The training went well, no rats inside.

July 10-12   We taught  Career Workshop in the Employment Resource Centre to 9 people.  We had some great students with practical ideas for getting jobs and improving employment.

You will notice that I am the rose among the thorns!!
July 13  we took Elder and Sister King to the orphanage.  Their assignment is Tembisa Ward which will allow them to visit Mama at the orphanage on a frequent basis.

These are the Kings from Washington State.  Mama says, "Now I have a King, a Queen and a Prince.  (Prince is one of the kids who lives here).

Notice the electrical outlets for the sewing machines in mama's sewing workroom.

 This is Dooba Dooba (I had her name wrong last time).  Beautiful Baby

The old bus is soon to be history!! 
Pretty exciting to have all of the big machines around.

The men behind the miracle.

Elder DaBell did some repairs!!!

One day we looked out of the Employment Resource door and saw the triplets from Birch Acres.  Memories come flooding back every time we see them!

July 14  we visited Alexandra Branch with Elder and  Sister Nielsen.  We spoke in Sacrament Meeting on Self Reliance Principles and taught the youth / YSA about making critical choices. 

After church we went to the MTC and welcomed Elder Slade Jeppesen from 
Rexburg with brownies.

Sister Reber of the Johannesburg Africa Missionary Training Centre.

Slade is a son of Bevan Jeppesen and grandson of Merle and Janice Jeppesen, our dear Rexburg friends.  Elder Jeppesen will serve in the Durban Mission.

One day we were driving down a busy highway.  We looked out and saw a bakkie with the name of Manger Care Centre.  Manger could have a lot of meanings...........................

Two men were sitting in the front and someone was in the back.............................

Yes, someone was definitely in the back...........................................

Looking forward, Cape Town and Flat Dr. Jake.

Until then,

Elder and Sister DaBell

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