Tuesday, March 19, 2013

4 March 2013 

March 4-8   We taught a Self Employment Workshop in the Employment Resource Center.  We are finding more and more people taking the challenge to draft business plans including the financial projections needed to determine the feasibility of the proposed business.  This is Fiona Nxumalo, who took the self employment class.  She is setting up an on line business in clothing.

March 6  Ward Council Training in Kempton Park Ward.  This is a delightful ward, the training session was very enjoyable.  They don't even have bars on the windows of the church.......  A locked gate and high fence into the parking area, but they are the only ward or branch building we know of with no bars on the windows.

March 8   We served in the Temple from 2 pm to 8 pm.  Each time we serve we learn new things and appreciate the opportunity to help patrons worship and serve our brothers and sisters beyond the veil.

March 10   We had the opportunity to attend Birch Acres Branch:  we trained in Branch Council, spoke in Sacrament Meeting on Self Reliance, played the music and taught the youth about critical choices needed to be made from age 12 to 32, the critical “score”.  We also spoke with the new Branch Employment Specialist, Noleen  Dube, about her calling. 

As we were waiting for Sacrament meeting to start, one of the branch presidency and his wife came in carrying two little girls , the same size and dressed in pink,  hummmm twins, we thought.  Then the Branch Presidency member set his little girl down, and walked out of the building.  A couple of minutes later, he came in carrying another little girl in pink.....TRIPLETS...the memories came flooding back.  One of the little girls even sat on the Branch President's wife's lap.  Reminded me of Clark's Grandma, Venice Bowen,  who used to hold him on her lap during Sacrament meeting when we lived in Hibbard.

March  11-13 We taught  a Career Workshop in the Employment Resource Center.  We have had the opportunity to see 2 of these participants receive promising  job interviews.  We have also been able to help several revise their CV’s  and other job related materials.

March 13    Recital day for the younger piano students.  

(Notice Sister Roberts in the Center Back, blue shirt She is an exceptional pianist.  They were in Joburg and then were transferred to Cape Town.  While here they purchased a piano and then had it moved with them to Cape Town. They are headed home the first week of April.  She is giving the piano to the Tshabalala family. We will have it moved from Cape Town.)

Mazzy played Book of Mormon Stories and a C Major 5 Finger Scale and I chord. 

Khumo played There is a Green Hill Far Away and In Humility Our Savior.  

Minenhle played Old MacDonald Had A Farm, and As I Have Loved You. 

Ntando played C Major 5 Finger Scale and I chord and Book of Mormon Stories.  

Dominic played as well!!

Wonderful experience!  Thanks KIDS

March 14  We attended a Business Expo at the Gallagher Convention Center.  The morning speakers were internationally known. 

We heard some excellent presentations on:
1.  Enduring in Small Business:  overcoming fear of failure; working at what you love, etc.  

2.  Sales and Marketing: 

A. Love your work and product  
B.. Mark your territory everyday
      (get out of the way,
       get on his side, 
       give him what he wants) 
C.  Benefits vs. Features 
D. Word of mouth is best place to find new customers. 
E.  Biggest single secret:  ask and ye shall receive 

3.  Social Media Advertising is here to stay.   (Just like the scriptures we need to apply to our individual situations)

We also had a lesson in South African lines.  The line to enter the Expo was about 1.5 blocks long.

Thursday afternoon we had a visit to the Center from Sharon Eubank.  She is the daughter of the former KSL weatherman, Mark Eubank.  She is the head of LDS Charities.  Sister Eubank recently represented the church at the UN.  Ten years ago, she set up the Employment Resource Center here in Joburg and hired Vivien as the manager.  She is very dynamic.  She was here for a training seminar for the humanitarian efforts in this area.  We had a wonderful visit with her.

March 15  (Dad) Went with Elder Rose and golfed at 6:30 am at Park View, beautiful course and good exercise.  Elder Rose has golfed A LOT in his lifetime.  A caddie was required for the course, and we rented a cart.  Didn't even break a sweat! 

In the afternoon we served in the temple.  It was special to officiate on the 5 pm session when Sivu accompanied Pheladi as she received her endowment.  They will be sealed on 22 March, 2013.  Sivulyule and Pheladi are a wonderful example of a young couple preparing for marriage.

March 17   We attended the Benoni Stake YSA Branch in the Daveyton building, and taught 40 YSA about critical choices:  testimony, mission service, temple marriage, and education and careers.  We were impressed with the leadership of President Hugo.

March 18  Home evening dinner at Mikes to say good-bye to the Andersons who are transferring to the Durban Mission and will serve as Member Leader Support in the Bethlehem and one other branch.  We will miss them.  Yummy place to eat.  A favorite dessert here is Malva Pudding.  It is WONDERFUL....Something to share when we get home.  

We'll love you for ever, like you for always.....DaBells


  1. I loved seeing pictures of Mazzy! Please give her a big hug from Kendyl! They loved playing to gether when we visited! Dominic and the kids look great as well!

  2. Who's that pretty young lady with the brown hair sitting by dad? Oh wait, it's mom!!

  3. I second Andrea! You guys look so happy, so beautiful. I like your hair longer, Mom! Dad, I would like your hair longer, but, I don't know what that is like. ;) Hehehehehe....
