Monday, February 11, 2013

11 February, 2013

2 February 2013 
Did Phil see his shadow?  Will we have another six weeks of our current weather? Stay tuned to find out.

January 30 – February 1   We had the opportunity to teach 13 individuals in Career Workshop.   The group was diverse, but overall very bright and focused on improving presentation and networking skills.   Friday afternoon we were privileged to serve in the temple.  Each time we serve, we learn a little more.   Temple Worship is (and should be) a highlight of our Church Service.

January 31 a group of sister missionaries got together to make baby blankets for aids infected babies in a downtown hospital.  Many of the babies go home wrapped in newspaper or plastic shopping bags.  Our goal is 1000 blankets.   We used fleece and did a fringed edging.

February 3    We attended Etwatwa   Branch, Benoni Stake, with the Andersons and Knudsens.  After the Block, we taught a Self Reliance / Business Fireside to approximately 60 members of the Branch. The Andersons took goodies to share for lunch.  For many, it was the meal of the day.

i.                     Doctrinal Foundation
A.      Genesis 3:19   Commandment to Work
B.      Doctrine &Covenants 83:2-5  Responsibility to care for family
C.       2 Nephi 2:27,  Use of agency
D.       Doctrine & Covenants 88  Learning Spiritual and Temporal
E.       Matthew 25: 15-30  Parable of the Talents
F.       Moses 3:5  Create Spiritually before Naturally created
G.     Jacob 2:18-19  Responsibility to Others
    III.        Starting a Business
A.       Introduction:    D & C 133:15   Let all things be prepared before you.
B.      Business Idea
C.      Market Analysis
D.      Marketing Strategy
E.       Financial Analysis
F.       Business Plan
1.       Drafting
2.       Sharing
    IV.        Action   Doctrine & Covenants 58:26-29
The Spirit was strong and many individuals are looking forward to attending Career and Self Employment Workshops to be taught in the branch in the near future.  President Maebela will coordinate the dates and those to attend.  The Branch President Maebela exhorted the members to become Self Reliant and increase the overall tithing participation.  The expectation is that with a higher number of members paying a full tithing, the Branch will become a Ward and a building will be planned and built.  We hope to encourage such a worthy goal and accomplishment!

February 4-8   Self Employment Workshop was taught in the Employment Resource Center.  We had only 3 participants which allowed us to really focus on their individual businesses and their business plans.  Daniel and Haward from Cosmos City are already operating a landscaping and irrigation business.  In fact, Daniel has been in business for 13 years.  They want to expand and we spent some specific time reviewing their financial data and helping them to make changes and gear up for expansion.  Sibusiso from Birch Acres is starting a business to broker large mining machinery.  He and his partner plan on meeting with us next week.

February 6 -  We enjoyed an evening in Flat #205 being taught how to study Isaiah by Elder Nielsen.  He taught an institute class on the subject at the University of Iowa in his other life.  A very insightful discussion with good helps to improve and deepen our study of the prophet Isaiah.

8 February Remember Shain from last October, he met Elder Holland..... Well, today he got a job.  This is a monumental achievement!  When our patrons get a job, they ring THE BELL.  (No, not da bell)

February 9 -  We spent 2 hours at the Benoni Ward training High Councilor, Thembinkosi Mkhize, and new Stake Welfare Specialist, Present, how to effectively use the resources and train unit specialists and become effective resources for the Stake Presidency, Stake Council, Bishoprics and Ward Councils. 

We were inspired when we heard Thembinkosi’s story of growing up in the township with a single mother and learning self reliance and saving and paying for his own school.  He had to learn English when he started college.  It was very difficult, but after saving money for tuition, he was not going to fail his accounting curriculum.  Every term he improved. He graduated with all A’s for his final grades. He is now concerned that many of the youth are just waiting for the government or church to solve their problems instead of working, saving and learning in a self reliant way.

Present grew up with an alcoholic father and even though family provided many resources for her education, she had to diligently work until she also received a degree in accounting.  Present now works in accounting at a large bank and Thembinkosi is the manager of the PEF department in the Area Office.

February 10   We spoke in Tembisa Ward on Self Reliance and Employment issues.  Sister DaBell emphasized the lessons we learn from Nephi when he broke his bow and compared them to our unemployment challenges of today.  Elder DaBell spoke of the new Self Reliance Department and our need to rely on the Savior while working for Self Reliance in a balanced way:  Education, Employment, Home Storage, Resource Management, Physical Health, and Spiritual, Emotional and Social Health.   

During the third hour we taught over 60 youth about the critical decisions they need to make from 12 to 32 years of age.  (the critical two decades)  1.  Will you come unto Jesus Christ, accept His Atonement and follow Heavenly Father’s plan for you, including serving a mission?  2.  Whom will you marry and where?  3. What will be your life’s work and how do you plan to accomplish it?  We pointed out they could be successful in these areas if 1. They learn to receive and follow personal revelation in their daily living.  2.  Set priorities.   3.  Make obedience a quest.  4.  Know who you are.  5.  Use your agency and go to work.    

The Centurion Stake Young Men President was in attendance and suggested we present the same teachings at a combined Stake youth fireside.  We would be thrilled for that opportunity!

On the way home, we stopped at the orphanage to see how things are.  We learned that Mama’s son just passed away.  The funeral is this weekend.  We will try to attend.  You will notice that I am a very popular GRAMS at the orphanage.

Today, we began another Career Workshop Class.  Of 9 attending, 6 are not members.  This course is an excellent missionary tool, as well as being a great self-improvement tool.

We are suffering little heart pangs and a few tears as we miss so many important occasions.  Thank you wonderful family for staying so strong.  And thank you for the pictures, phone calls and letters.

Until Next time, Love Elder and Sister DaBell

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