Monday, September 28, 2015

Elder and Sister DaBell June 2014 Visits and Activities

June 1  We had a very busy and productive Sabbath Day:  We accompanied Sister Sandie Taylor, Benoni Stake Relief Society President, in teaching combined lessons on Self Reliance to both the Springs and Selcourt Wards.  We gave a brief overview of the new PEF Self Reliance Initiative and then taught specifically regarding the benefits of planting and caring for a home garden.  That Evening we taught our lesson on making Critical Choices to the Kempton Park Ward young men and young women.  We feel it vital that youth make critical choices between the ages of 12 and 32, the Critical Score.  We finished the day by attending a Family Home Evening where Elder and Sister Klingler and Elder and Sister Kraczek reported on their missions in the area of Family History.

June 5  We went to lunch with Brian Ndabisu, who we taught workshops to several times.  He is from Uganda and has a Masters degree.  He told us later that he was so depressed from being unemployed and the teachings in the workshops gave him hope.  He also studied the Gospel and was baptized in 2013.  He is now engaged and hoping to be married in the temple in the next year.  He is a fine man and an example of the benefits of teaching Self Reliance Principles.  

That evening we had the FINAL PIANO RECITAL  at the Tshabalala home.  Elder and Sister Adams and Elder and Sister Barnes accompanied us.  This was even more special because it was Ntando’s Birthday party.  
All the children performed well and before the evening was done, Bishop Ndaba and Sister Ndaba came and he interviewed Ntando and gave her a limited use Temple recommend to do Baptisms for the dead.

June 2  We helped out in the Self Reliance Center. June 3   We had our exit interview with Elder Carl Cook.  During our mission, he has served as both First and Second Counselor in the Area Presidency and effective June 1, 2014, he is now the Africa Southeast Area President. He gave us a whole hour for our interview and showed such love and appreciation for what we were able to do on our mission.  Elder and Sister Cook are a tremendous example of Christ-like service.  We would love the opportunity to serve with them again in this life.

June 6  We attended a Scout Court of Honor where Minenhle and Khumo both received awards.  Scouting helped Dominic learn important skills including people skills and he is encouraging his children to receive the same benefits and they are all learning and growing from this experience.

June 7   We attended the Temple and witnessed Ntando and others being Baptized and Confirmed for the dead.  One of the names she was baptized for was Mary Walker, a second wife of one of Elder DaBell’s  great, great    ~…grandfathers.  In fact, Elder DaBell was able to confirm Ntando in behalf of Mary Walker after Dominic performed the baptism.  

 In the temple, Margaret just happened to meet Suzen NKomo.  What a wonderful opportunity to say goodbye to her.  (note in 2015, Suzen passed away from cancer)

It was inspiring to see the value placed on Priesthood Blessings by the Tshabalala Family.

That evening we had dinner with Elder and Sister Shupe at the Fish Monger.  Elder Shupe serves in Legal and Sister Shupe in Public Affairs.  They have been great friends, hosting parties and being Golfing partners along with Elder Adams, Elder Christensen and Elder Rose
June 8   on our final Sunday in South Africa we attended Church Services in the Rabie Ridge ward.  Bishop Ranake and the entire ward were welcoming and Sister DaBell played the music in Sacrament Meeting.
June 9    We ended the day by having dinner with Elder and Sister Adams.  They have been such good friends and effective missionaries in Self Reliance.  Their leadership and tenacity in setting up job networks has been and will continue to be of great value in helping individuals and families learn and gain Self Reliance.

June 10    We finished packing, said goodbye’s and then went to the Airport escorted by Elder and Sister Adams.   We left beautiful South Africa and landed early Wednesday morning in London.

June 11-12   We took a Red Bus tour of London where we enjoyed seeing St. Paul’s Cathedral, London Tower, Buckingham Palace, and many other interesting sites.

June 13 We left London and flew via Chicago on to Salt Lake City where we were greeted by family, YEAH!  We had a picnic at Alex and Lisa’s home and then spent the night.

June 14   We were escorted to the airport by Alex and Mark and we flew on to Bozeman where we were greeted by more wonderful family members.