Thursday, June 5, 2014

REFLECTING BACK..............

May 4   We attended Benoni Ward.  For Sacrament meeting, the program was a replay of the last session of general conference, as many in the ward could not hear it live.

We taught a combined lesson with the Relief Society and Priesthood brethren explaining the new PEF Self Reliance Initiative and focusing on the benefits of Home Gardening.  We went to dinner following church with Elder and Sister Barnes at Sister Sandie Taylor’s house.  Sister Taylor is the Stake Relief Society President.  Elder and Sister Barnes were reaching out to several long time members to compile Church History.

May 6  Elder DaBell attended a meeting with Elder Adams with Axon Security regarding security jobs and training.
May 8   Attended a meeting with Dominic and Elder Adams at Fourways chapel with Sister Rhonda Hamilton, chief of compensation and benefits for G4S Solutions.  We discussed training issues and planned to get additional 100 members trained for Security certification.

May 9   Officiated in the Temple.

May 10   Met with Kwa Thema ward Self Employment Group to follow up with draft business plans.  Hired Candice and Anna from Orange Farm to help us get out flat ready to leave.

May 11   Attended Centurion Stake Conference where President Chatora was released and Clive Martin was sustained as Stake President.  Elder Carl Cook, assisted by Elder Tasara Makasi  presided.

Elder Makasi, President Andre Walters, First Counsellor, Clive Martin Stake President, President Ernest Makgomarela, Second Counsellor, Carl B. Cook, Area President

Sam his wife and new baby from Tembisa

A young friend from Birch Acres.

Emmanuel who works at the Area Offices in repairs and maintenance.

May 12 our farewell Home Evening

Ntando, Khumo, Awande, Minenhle and Bokang were there......

Moipone and Dominic were there..........

Amahle was there.........  What else matters???

May 12, 14  We taught 6 people the Self employment workshop.  One of the participants was Roeland Movkwe, who is engaged to Mpho from Tembisa.  He is a fine young man and they will make a wonderful couple.

May 15  We trained 3 individuals in Pretoria to teach the Career Workshop.  Nkosini is a chartered accountant and will be particularly skilful in teaching and follow up.

May 17- 24   Jake and Abby, Connor and Ellie visited us from Spokane, Washington.  We did the following :   1.  Church at Etwatwa where we spoke in Sacrament meeting, Jake and Abby and Ellie sang a Child’s Prayer and we taught combined meeting on Self Reliance generally and gardening specifically.

Sleep deprived!
Etwatwa Sunday school
We then had a Sunday dinner with Tshabalala’s
We picked up Ntando who was attending a Kon Tiki Scout Event.  They built a raft and some of the boys pitched a tent and spent the night on it, cooked on it, and stayed on it for 24 hours.  Their Troupe won 3 first place awards!

Getting acquainted!


Garrett, I told Dominic about the double shoulder ride.  The girls love it!

Goofy FUN!

New Cousins!

Awande and Bokang

 We enjoyed Jake’s teeth brushing demo and other fellowship. 

2.  We flew to Victoria Falls and had a sunset cruise on the Zambezi River, toured the Victoria Falls  (one of the Seven Natural wonders of the World),



Monitor Lizzard

The Lilies close up at night.

Shuttle to the falls


After getting soaked at the falls we

watched the animals at the water hole and ate lunch.

Mari bu Stork. The Mari-bu Stork, Wart Hog, Baboon, Hyena, Wildebeest, make up the ugly 5.

Free range Wart Hogs.....

That evening we ate African dishes at the Boma Restaurant.  We tried Wart Hog, which is very good, Crocodile which is not so very good, and a lot of other things.  Jake and Abby received a certificate for eating a ma-pone worm.  Since we had done it before, we did not feel it was necessary again.....  Ellie had her hair braided.  Very cute and very practical!

Mowana Safari Lodge

We went to the Chobe River in Botswana where we had a Village Walk to the Impalila Village across the River in Namibia. 

This required passing through customs on both the Botswana side and the Namibia sides of the river.  Lots of passport stamps on this trip!  Out of Botswana into Namibia, then out of Namibia and into Batswana..............

Dugout canoes..........Crocodiles, hippos, or just about anything can tip them over, then the crocodiles have a free lunch.

We walked about a mile to the village. There are a few trucks on the island, hence this improved road.

The houses are inside "family compounds" like we have seen before

This is a typical looking "improved" home, because it has a metal roof.  The mud walls are damaged in the rainy season, and are repaired each year.
The older children were at school and as it was noon, they came home for lunch.

The children changed their clothes to eat lunch, and then changed back to return to school for the afternoon.

This is the compound of the village chief.  He spends a lot of his time away from the village.

Someone in this village has a solar panel.  The village also has a well for water.  Previous to the well, when water was taken from the river, the crocodiles were a very real danger.  Washing the clothes at the river was very risky.

This is a kitchen just inside a compound.  The dog just ignored us.

Tidy kitchen.

This is thatch for mending roofs.  It comes from off the island, and is therefore required to be purchased.

Chickens provide pest control......

goats for milk, and to be cute. 

There were several huge Baobab trees in the village.

Not many small children around.  Perhaps they were inside the compounds. These little guys were very curious.  They did not understand English.

Ellie taught this little girl high 5 and a fist bump

There were crafts for sale.  We are always happy to support an industry.
Ellie is the proud owner of a cute necklace....

This is a variety of a Baobab tree.  Notice the colorful bark. 

Next we enjoyed a sunset cruise on the Chobe where we saw Elephants, Hippos, Crocodile, and many other animals. 

Mari-bu Storks, one of the ugly 5.
This is a snake bird.  They swim around under the water with just their long necks and head sticking out.  They look like snakes.  When they get out of the water, they spread their wings like this to dry out.

Baboons are always interesting.

Crocodile cooling off.  It would be nice if that would work for humans!

 Water Buffalo

We got very close to this elephant.  He can't charge in the water........

Hippos swish their tails very rapidly after they do their business to spread it around in the water.  FUNNY

Ho Hum

Egyptian Geese.  Notice the "eye make-up"

We watched this eagle catch the fish you see in it's claws

These birds nest in the bank of the river

Monitor lizard

Get ready............


There is an island in the center of the Chobe River.  Botswana and Namibia fought over it, until it was determined that is was on the Botswana side of the deepest part of the river channel.  This is the flag of Botswana.

Thanks Jake and Abby, Ellie and Connor, for the visit.........

Then back to the Mowana Safari Lodge.  Tomorrow brings a land safari.....

We stayed and ate dinner that night at the Mowana Safari Lodge with Cornelia Rautenbach who arranged the trip.  She is a recent convert to the church from Zimbabwe, friend of the lady golfers:  Reeve Nield, Lolly Maritz, and C.C. Lundgren.   

(See April 2013)

"The Henry" was our guide for the Chobe River and the land Safari.  Very knowledgeable and accommodating

Chobe Chickens......Ginea Fowl

Buzzards....... Something's up!

Lions feeding on a kill!

The Chobe River is very beautiful!

Striped Mongoose.  The one looking at us is Rikki Tikki Tavi......

Red beaked Horn Bill

The only thing left to see is a giraffe.......We drove on around a bend and voila, GIRAFFE

Then off to the airport to catch our flight back to Johannesburg.  The Airport in Botswana runs a lot smoother than some of the other airports we have been in in the smaller countries.

We attended a temple session on Friday morning.  There were many from the SRC attending.

 Later in the morning we visited the Lion Park where the kids pet lion cubs and fed some Giraffes. 

Look at those eye lashes!!!

Flat Dr. Jake fed giraffe and ostriches.
Petting the lion cubs is fun!

We then shopped at Cambano’s for souvenirs. 

On Saturday we went to the Orphanage where Jake demonstrated good dental hygiene and donated tooth brushes and tooth paste.  

So how long do we brush?

Flat Dr. Jake was very popular!  This is one of the Cresh Children.
 He pulled two loose teeth.  Essa was one of the "patients"  She was very brave.

How ever will we adjust in Montana!

We gave the kids a treat and played games.  Mama gave Margaret a Duke and Skirt she had sewn from material we gave to her months before.

We sang: You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when sky's are grey.  You'll never know, dear, how much I love you.  Please don't take my sunshine away!

In March, Stacy Hunter and her son brought blankets for the children.  They were made by ward members and neighbors.  They are fleece.  Mama sewed a casing and put a ribbon through so the children can tie the blankets on to keep warm.  I know they are using them during this winter season.  Thank you, Stacy and group
It will be hard to leave Mama and the kids. 

Later that day we took Jake and Abby to the airport along with 4 bags of our souvenirs and some clothes.

May 25  We attended church at Kwa Guqa Ward, Pretoria Stake, where we spoke in Sacrament Meeting.  Bishop Jeremy is so spiritually mature for a 28 year old man. 

We noticed a new shopping center that has been built in Kwa Guqa.  It will provide many needed jobs.

May 26  Elder and Sister Nielsen from Iowa City took us to Crawdaddy’s for a “going away meal”  Very delicious!!

May 27, 29   Taught Self Employment Workshop with Elder Adams and Brother Harvey to Krugersdorp Wards to 18 people.

May 29-30    Taught Career Workshop to 15 participants in Sebokeng.  Branch Self Reliance Specialist set it up and is training to teach future workshops.

May 31    A picnic for the Self Reliance Department was held at the Joburg Botanical Gardens:  going away for DaBells and 50th Wedding Anniversary for Elder and Sister Adams.

Elder and Sister Adams

Elder and Sister Davis.  Sister Davis is serving in the SRC and Elder Davis in IT.

Very Yummy Cake.  Happy Anniversary, Elder and Sister Adams!